Northwest BeltLine Connector
Atlanta, Georgia
KAIZEN Collaborative was hired by the PATH Foundation in 2014 to oversee the preconstruction engineering and permitting of the Northwest BeltLine Connection to Bitsy Grant Tennis Center. The project entailed a bridge crossing of Tanyard Creek with a flood study and environmental permitting completed by Corblu Ecology Group.
With the Atlanta Memorial Park’s vision of a loop trail around Bobby Jones Golf Course, KAIZEN lead the design for construction of the 1.2 mile greenway trail connection along the east and north side of the golf course. The project’s trail alignment included a bridge crossing over Peachtree Creek and required a State Stream Buffer variance along with stream restoration design adjacent to Colonial Homes Apartments. Corblu Ecology Group assisted the PATH/KAIZEN Team in both the environmental permitting and the stream restoration design.
Beginning Date: August, 2017
Completion Date: May. 2018