Yesterday’s groundbreaking ceremony for Tucker Trail Model Project was a fantastic event! This is the start of a 31-mile network that will provide connections throughout the City of Tucker.
DeKalb County South Peachtree Creek Trail Study
DeKalb County, with assistance from the PATH Foundation, KAIZEN, and Alta Planning + Design team is studying ways to better connect our communities in District 2 with existing greenway trails like the South Fork Peachtree Creek Trail.
Click here for the Northern Study Area Survey or here for the Southern Study Area Survey.
Image courtesy to Alta Planning + Design.
Carrollton Greenbelt - Southern Spur to Downtown
Thankful for PATH and their partners with City of Carrollton and Carrollton GreenBelt, we look forward to the southern GreenBelt spur to downtown opening early 2021!
Abutment installed for new trail bridge in Tanner Medical Campus
Trail under construction adjacent to the Cotton Mill Farmers’ Market
Trail crossing with RRFB system to be installed at Dixie Street
Newnan LINC Construction Update - the installation of Trail Bridge over I-85
The iconic LINC bridge has been installed in October! This is an exciting moment to have it as a connection between both sides of I-85.
The rest of the trail is expected to be finished by the end of this year. Stay turned for the ribbon cutting ceremony.
Westside BeltLine Connector - Construction Update
With PATH's Mile 300 campaign underway, the bridge over Boone Blvd for the Westside BeltLine Connector has been set in place. What took over 3 hours can be experienced in less than one minute through this time-lapse video.